Business Directory

Here is a directory of businesses and professionals that are owned by Slovenians or employ Slovenians. Please consider using their services and let them know that you saw their listing in this directory.

Canadian Slovenian Historical Society

Category | Community Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Marjan Ulč​ar

52 Neilson Drive
Etobicoke, M9C 1V7
ON, Canada

The Polka Maestre Band & Cancorp

Category | Band, Music Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Tony Jalovec

2212 Greenhurst Ave
Mississauga, L4X 1J6
ON, Canada

Phone: 519-497-9704

Website: http://www.thepolkamaestreband...

Bled Slovenian Social Club

Category | Community / Social Club Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Roman Stadler / Tom Mes


4650 South Service Rd
Lincoln, L0R 1B0
ON, Canada

Phone: 905-563-1500

Mobile Phone: Roman: 289-241-8218


Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce

Category | Chamber of Commerce - Non-profit Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Wanita Kelava

630 The East Mall
Etobicoke,, M9B 4B1
ON, Canada

Phone: 416-641-2829


Foresight Canada

Category | CleanTech Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Astrid Nunez

2300-2850 Shaugnessy St.
Vancouver, V3C 6K5
BC , Canada

Phone: 604-245-0042
