Business Directory

Here is a directory of businesses and professionals that are owned by Slovenians or employ Slovenians. Please consider using their services and let them know that you saw their listing in this directory.


Category | IBM iSeries (AS/400) Software, IT Membership Level | Small Business

Contact: Simon Mohorko

K Roku 130
Novo mesto, 8000
Slovenia, Slovenia

Phone: 386-7337-7230


Embassy of Slovenia in Ottawa

Category | Public and Government Service - Consulate & Embassy Government Organization Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Dr. Andrej Gregor Rode

150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 2200
Ottawa, K2P 1P1
ON, Canada

Phone: 613-565-5781

Website: http://www.ottawa.veleposlanis...

ENV Treatment Systems Inc.

Category | Water Treatment Systems Membership Level | Individual / Sole Proprietor

Contact: Edward Pikovnik

70 High Street
Etobicoke, M8Y 3N9
Ontario, Canada

Phone: 416- 503-7639

Mobile Phone: 416-937-7799


Elan Sports Inc.

Category | Sports & Leisure Membership Level | Large Business

Contact: Primoz Plestenjak

845B Rue Tecumseh
Dollard des Ormeaux, H9R 4T8
Quebec, Canada

Phone: 514-421-7871


Emilian Jewellery Ltd.

Category | Retail Jeweller Membership Level | Small Business

Contact: Stephen Slokar

1900 Fowler Drive, Unit D100
Mississauga, L5K 0A1
Ontario, Canada

Phone: 905-855-2477

Website: https://www.emilianjewellery.c...