Business Directory

Here is a directory of businesses and professionals that are owned by Slovenians or employ Slovenians. Please consider using their services and let them know that you saw their listing in this directory.

Lesarski Grozd – Slovenia

Category | Woodworking and Wood Furniture Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Bernard Likar

Dimiceva 13
Ljubljana, 1000
Slovenia, Slovenia

Phone: +386 1 598 9284

Mobile Phone: + 386 41 35 4131


Lan Stokavnik

Category | Woodworking and Wood Furniture Membership Level | Student

Contact: Lan Stokavnik

Zabukovica 47a
Griže, 3302
Slovenia, Slovenia

Phone: 386 31 500 422

Mobile Phone: 386 31 500 422