Business Directory

Here is a directory of businesses and professionals that are owned by Slovenians or employ Slovenians. Please consider using their services and let them know that you saw their listing in this directory.

SBOT – Surrey Board of Trade (Surrey Chamber of Commerce)

Category | Chamber of Commerce - Non-profit Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Mirdula Babu - International and Workforce Coordinator

101 - 14439-104 Avenue
Surrey, V3R 1M1
BC, Canada

Phone: 604-581-7130 or 1-866-848-7130


Slovenian Global Business Network (SGBN)

Category | Slovenian Global Network Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Štefan Bogdan BARENBOIM ŠALEJ

Sao Paulo, Brazil, USA

Phone: 55 11 9533 27252


Slovenski Dom

Category | Community, Non-Profit Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Oscar Koren / Majda Resnik

864 Pape Avenue
Toronto, M4K 3T8
ON, Canada

Phone: 905-669-2365


Slovenian Society – Vancouver

Category | Community / Social Club Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Vilko Macek

5762 Sprott Street
Burnaby, V5G 1T7
British Columbia, Canada

Phone: 604-298-6922


Seth Grenzberg

Category | Music Membership Level | Student

Contact: Seth Grenzberg

8111 Fairbrook Crescent
Richmond, V7C 1Z2
British Columbia, Canada

Mobile Phone: 778-990-4823