FGOI – European Furniture & Interior Designers Network Event – Toronto May 26-27th

May 25-27th, Toronto

The Canadian Slovenian Chamber of Commerce was pleased to collaborate with the Slovenian, Czech and Romanian embassies and the European Wood Clusters to make the Toronto FGOI European Furniture and Designers Event a success!

Special thanks to Simon Pribac, the Slovenian Trade Commissioner, who brought this event to our attention and was the moderator for the event.

Also, we were pleased to have CSCC Vice President, Bill Kocjancic and CSCC member and former Toronto city councillor, Mr. Joe Mihevc who joined Mike Baker, Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario, Trevor Kruse, Interior Designers of Canada, Iulian Oancea, discussing joint ventures and financing and Simon Ford head of Sheridan College’s Craft & Design-Furniture program as presenters and also meeting with the delegates in the B2B’s and in the Q&A Forum.

It was a fast-paced and packed room at the Ontario Investment and Trade Centre with presentations from industry experts, B2B meetings and networking among the European and Canadian participants.

We also arranged a tour for the Slovenian Wood Cluster president Bernard Likar and 6 talented Slovenian furniture and design companies who met at Sheridan College’s Furniture Craft and Design studios with department head, Simon Ford, to end their 2-day event. We appreciate Jennifer Deighton and Simon Ford for organizing the Sheridan tour and lunch and coming in on a Saturday!

Thank you to all who joined us; we hope the new connections made will prove to be impactful!

This entry was posted in Business Opportunity, International Initiatives, Slovenian Business News.